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Imagine the power of being able to design your life in a way that lets you predict your future…

This is the project I’m currently working on and I want to take you on the journey with me!

Do you have multiple interests, skills and intellectual pursuits?
Do you want to do them all and not choose just one?
Do you want to integrate your multiple interests into a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle?

I want to tell you what I’m doing and exactly how I’m doing it so you can use the same tools in your life.

I’ll make it easy for you to keep up with my progress by delivering updates directly to you when you sign up for my newsletter.

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What does designing a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle look like?

Let’s take a look…

Here is a blank canvas…

Blank canvas

Think of this canvas as your life…

Imagine your skills, experience, knowledge, interests, and passions as paint…

Art by Dasanj Aberdeen

You can be in charge of mixing and matching your paint as you please.

You can design your life the way you want!
You can create your unique masterpiece at the intersection of your interests and skills!
Life canvas
Art by Dasanj Aberdeen

“Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint you can at it.”  – Danny Kaye

This is what I’m doing with this project and I want to show you how to do the same.

Better yet, let’s do this together!

Let’s identify our skills, experience, knowledge, interests and passions so we can create our unique intersection and design the sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle we want!

Sign up for my newsletter to take the journey to design your life with me!

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